Unwind, Unplug and Reset on a Yogalates Retreat
Connect with the natural elements of life and find harmony
In a world as fast-paced as ours those words ring home, they touch the heart and you naturally feel a sense of ease, even a sense of wonder; how could you and what does it even mean to unwind, unplug and reset?
To embrace the essence of such; one needs to embody nature, to
re connect with the natural elements of life and living organisms such as our
Science has proven that time in nature heals. One needs to connect with the rhythm of the natural world that hums along with our nervous system. Our nervous system is so complex and thousands of years old that it has evolved along the evolutionary path of life from nature to us.
Thankfully “the slow movement culture” is trending both in Yoga,
food even beverages and is taking us back in time to our roots.
Yogalates is that; a slow paced gravity-fed movement system with 30 years in the wisdom of teaching and development. Led through the pure organic function of the breath that anchors your core with the elements of earth.
The structural architecture of the method supports the alignment
of the nervous system to find its natural pulse. Blend this with the natural
world and you can “unwind, unplug and reset”.
By focusing the eyes (known as a drishti/natural gaze in
Sanskrit) on our natural world you absorb the fresh air, natural colours shades
textures and essence. The eyes start to soften, your mind starts to unwind, the
heart opens and you unplug.
Your eyes relax and instinctively are comfortable to close. The
mind slides naturally into the “well” of self thus enabling the mind to quieten
as you discover your inner drishti and resonate with your deeper self. This
creates an anchor for the mind a sense of grounding, a ripple of peace that
unravels through your whole body and touches your soul “not impossible”.Nature paves the way for the meditative mind to open. Your mind
clears, declutters, your nervous system unravels and then resets.
Paving the way for clarity to build to aid you in moving forward on your life’s path; making good healthy choices and living your life to your full potential.Learn a new connection with self; fine tune your Yoga or Pilates practise, embody tools for life and nourish your soul. The Yogalates Wellbeing Retreats absorb the natural world at its simplest at its best.
Bali Heart Retreats
In the healing spiritual hub of Ubud rich in culture, heritage
and beauty; surround yourself in its organic rainforests, terraced rice
paddies spiritual Hindu temples and shrines, which complete the majestic
terrain. Explore Bali at its purest.
Croatia Sail Retreats
Retreat with us in the Mediterranean on the unspoilt Adriatic
Sea with its crystal clear waters and explore the natural ancient wonders of
Croatia. Be cradled in Savasana “under sail” by the rhythm of our beautiful
blue sheltered oceans; the waters liken that to the womb of life your nervous
system just melts with ease.

Explore the breath taking beauty of the Croatian islands, coast and ancient villages. Immerse yourself and join Louise Solomon and facilitator’s. Retreats are at beginners to intermediate level. See web site for more details and register for our newsletters.
Louise has been running retreats in Italy, South of France now
in Croatia and Bali.Optional for you to create your own exclusive private retreat with friends or family and is available on request. Minimum of 8 required.
The post Unwind, Unplug and Reset on a Yogalates Retreat appeared first on Yoga Journal.
Original article published by Yoga Journal >