Yoga Vidya Germany – Interview with Sukadev Bretz
What is Yoga Vidya? How did it develop? What can you expect if you visit a Yoga Vidya Ashram in Germany? Yoga Vidya is Europe’s leading Yoga network. Several Ashrams, more than 100 Yoga Vidya Centers, more than 13.000 trained Yoga Teachers form part of the Yoga Vidya network. In this interview Tyr Throne speaks with the founder of Yoga Vidya, Sukadev Bretz, about the development of Yoga Vidya, how it came about, what Yoga Vidya consists of, what Ashram life is like and in which programs Yoga students who don’t speak German can participate. More
information on Yoga Vidya on http://www.yoga-vidya.org/ . Information on Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course on http://www.yoga-vidya.org/english/teacher-training.html .
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