Short yoga class for advanced beginners
This is a short yoga class for advanced beginners`. Practice along with this short yoga class for busy people. Become a yoga teacher in 4 weeks – International yoga teachers` training: http://www.yoga-vidya.org/english/teacher-training/
A complete yoga practice in 25 minutes: initial relaxation or savasana, sun salutations, shoulder stand, plow, fish, seated forward bend, inclined plane, cobra, half locust, half spinal twist with straight legs, and final relaxation. Recorded at Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg, http://www.yoga-vidya.org/english/. Demonstrated by Thuy. Camera: Eduard. Voice: Sita.
More information at http://my.yoga-vidya.org. More videos on http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video
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