Vegan Cashew Cream Recipe – Yoga Journal
Sure, it’s convenient to go to the store and buy creams, but what fun is that? Plus, have you ever read the labels and checked out the additives? This recipe entails only a handful of natural ingredients and the slightest amount of effort. After one taste, we know you’ll agree — homemade is the way to go.
To sweeten this recipe, soak 1–2 dates in 1/2 cup + 1 Tbsp. water until pliable; process with cashews according to the recipe. Or, add maple syrup to the cream to taste.
Cashew cream is a great, dairy-free substitute for heavy cream. A few savory options, include: Alfredo sauce, white pizza sauce, and salad dressings. Add creamy body to, or drizzle on soups, or sub for sour cream or cream cheese. On the sweeter side: make a “milkshake” or smoothie, turn into icing, dollop on desserts, or mix with maple syrup for an oatmeal or pancake topper.
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