Guru Stotram
Harilalji and his wife Meera chant the Guru Stotram on Guru Purnima day in July,…
Guided Meditation with Nalini Sahay – Antarakasha Dharana
Follow along with this guided meditation with Dr. Nalini Sahay. The meditation is called Antarakasha…
Meditation to Ground and Strengthen Your Aura
Darshanie Sukhu leads us through a meditation exercise to strengthen your energy field, or aura.…
Sun Salutations With Warrior 1-2-3 Variations
Learn how to incorporate the intermediate level warrior 1, 2 and 3 positions into your…
Variations of the Yoga Wheel Chakrasana
This video shows an advanced demonstration of the yoga wheel, also called chakrasana. You can…
Yoga Leg Lifts
Practice this basic yoga exercise in order to strengthen the psoas muscles, which connect the…
Yoga Camel Variation
In this sequence, you can learn how to go from the camel pose, ustrasana, to…
Basic Sun Salutations – Surya Namaskar
Practice several rounds of basic sun salutations, or surya namaskar, along with this video. The…
Yoga Shoulderstand Cycle with Variations
The shoulderstand cycle rotates through more than one repetition of the shoulderstand - plow -…
Guided Meditation on a Pillar of Light with Swami Bodhichitananda
Swami Bodhichitananda leads a guided meditation on a pillar of light. Close your eyes and…
Yoga Turtle Kurmasana
Follow along with this advanced demonstration of the yoga turtle posture, also called kurmasana. Demonstrated…
Intermediate Basic Class – 18 minutes
Practice along with this short intermediate yoga class covering basic postures. Class includes 3 rounds…